History » 1969 - 2002 » 1971 Renewal of Symbols

Renewal of Symbols 1971

KN Nr. VI/33, 24.8.1971, p. 349:

Around the Original Shrine

The HOLY SPIRIT has disappeared from the original shrine!

That is to say, in preparation for the 25th anniversary since it was put up in the shrine (4.10.1946) it is to be re-gilded. The Pallottines have given the “Cenacle Generation” the permission to do this.

The lamp and inscription grille at the ENGLING STONE behind the original shrine have been re-painted. Observant visitors will have noticed for some time that the STATIONS OF THE CROSS on the inner side of the wall around the Pilgrims’ Place are again complete. When the wall was broken through at that time, two stations had to be removed. The plaques have not been inserted – somewhat closer together – right next to the opening in the wall.

KN Nr. VI/39, 5.10.1971, p. 411:

25th Anniversary of the Holy Spirit Symbol in the Original Shrine

The Cenacle Generation of the Schoenstatt Diocesan Priests and the Cenecale Patris Cours of our Fathers’ community took the silver jubilee as an occasion to meet together in Schoenstatt. This was preceded by a nine-week novena. On 4 October, the historic day of the symbol, the priests and Fathers met in the Marienau and gave an account of their mission and the history of their generation until then. In 1946 the main thought was of the Spirit-imbued pars motrix task and the co-operation of the Pallottine course in solidarity with the group of diocesan priests, who felt responsible for the original shrine as the graced centre of education and the apostolate. One of the main figures in awakening and forming the generation was unforgettable Fr Fritz-Josef Hillebrand († 28.10.1944). He did not experience the end of the first great time of trial – the Nazi time and Second World War. However, the generation gathered again and committed itself again to their mission. The Holy Spirit symbol in the shrine was meant to symbolize this.

The Holy Spirit symbol in the original shrine has been freshly restored. At the request of the Schoenstatt priests, the rector of the shrine, Fr Pieler, insisted on taking charge of this matter, because, as he remarked, there were still members of the Cenacle Generation in the Pallottine Society who attached great importance to seeing the symbol as theirs. So, we asked ourselves, could this jubilee piece be something like a promise that one day the co-operation with the Pallottine Society would become a reality in the Apostolic World Confederation. We pray for this Pentecost grace from our Schoenstatt Cenacle.

www.urheiligtum.de - The Website about the Original Shrine of the international Schoenstatt Movement.

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